Baby Probiotic Formula

Baby Probiotic Formula
Baby Probiotic Formula
Baby Probiotic Formula
Baby Probiotic Formula

Baby Probiotic Formula

Non-GMO, vegan, and formulated to support your baby's digestive and immune health* in an easy-to-use liquid supplement. Includes pediatrician-tested probiotic strains (P. pentosaceus KABP-041 and B. longum KABP-042), clinically studied to help soothe fussiness and reduce crying due to occasional upset tummy.*
Ingredients Combined Shape

P. pentosaceus KABP-041, B. longum KABP-042, L. rhamnosus GG, B. animalis subsp. lactis BLC1, S. boulardi SP 92, Sunflower Oil, Silicon Dioxide, Mixed Tocopherols

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How to Use Combined Shape

Shake 10-20 seconds before each use as some separation is normal. Turn bottle upside down and using the dropper provided, give 6 drops into babies mouth or mix with breast milk or formula at desired temperature. Do not warm.

We’re Called The Good Gummy For A Reason.

Our formulas are produced in a cGMP-compliant (Good Manufacturing Practice) facility and must adhere to a series of quality control rules outlined by the FDA designed to ensure that dietary supplements are produced in a manner that safeguards the health of the consumer. So, you can be assured that our supplements are made according to the highest quality standards in the industry. Each batch is third-party lab tested for purity and potency to comply with FDA regulations. This ensures that what you read on our label is what’s inside our formulas.

Serving Suggestion

Shake 10-20 seconds before each use as some separation is normal. Turn bottle upside down and using the dropper provided, give 6 drops into babies mouth or mix with breast milk or formula at desired temperature. Do not warm.

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Of Vitamin Angels

Since day one, SmartyPants has generated life-changing nutrient donations for women and children in the U.S. and globally. This is in line with our mission to make good health accessible to all and simplify it without sacrificing quality.
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Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

Can I give my baby the new Baby Probiotic if I'm already giving them Baby Multi & DHA Formula?? Combined Shape
Baby Probiotic is safe and effective to take on its own. However, it can be taken in combination with our Baby Multi + DHA Formula. We always recommend talking to your health care provider before adding a new supplement to your baby’s regimen.
How does this formula "soothe fussiness and reduce crying due to occasional upset tummy"? Combined Shape
The probiotic blend in our formula may help soothe baby's belly. It includes two pediatrician-tested probiotic strains, P. pentosaceus KABP-041 and B. longum KABP-042, that are clinically-studied to help reduce fussiness and crying due to an occasional upset tummy.*
What strains of Probiotics are in this formula - and why did you choose them? Combined Shape
Baby Probiotic includes 1.6 billion CFU of pediatrician-tested strains. The probiotic strains included in this formula are P. pentosaceum KABP-041, B. longum KABP-042 and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG, clinically-studied to help soothe fusiness and reduce crying due to the occasional upset tummy.*
How do I store this formula - does it need to be refrigerated? Why not refrigerated - when most probiotics need refrigeration? Combined Shape
This formula does not need to be refrigerated due to the product formulation! The probitoic strains are protected by a suspension of sunflower oil, which keeps them happy and stable at room temperature.

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